A collection of useful
links to Javascript tutorials and guides
There are two essential components to “Learning Javascript”. One is concerned with how you use the language to do stuff like add up numbers, make decisions, remember information, follow instructions, carry out complex tasks and monitor what is going on in the browser. The other is concerned with how you use the language to make stuff change on your web page like making text boxes appear and disappear, menus to open and close, images to pop up, colours to change, sound and video to play.
Of course both these components are related, you are not going to get very far along one path without having to take a quick look down the other.
JavaScript Essential Training by Simon Allardice on lynda.com is a fine introduction to the language. Simon is an excellent presenter, he explains concepts so well that most of the time you can listen to these tutorials like a podcast without needing to watch the video.
Simon steps through the essential foundations of the language; creating logic, building loops and working with data. He then focuses on working with HTML. Watch the following to kick start your understanding of how to manipulate HTML with Javascript.
Working with the Document Object Model
What is the DOM?
Working with Nodes and Elements
Accessing Dom Elements
Changing DOM Elements
Creating DOM Elements
Working with Events and Event Listeners
Introduction to JavaScript event handling
Working with onClick and onLoad events
UI Enhancement
CSS and JavaScript
Removing and applying CSS classes
Changing inline styles
Javascript Libraries
Rich Media Interaction and Motion
Matter.js – a 2D rigid body JavaScript physics engine
three.js – Javascript 3D library
CreateJS | A suite of JavaScript libraries and tools designed for working with HTML5
Physics HTML5 Game Engines – Find Which is Right For You
WebGL & EaselJS: a Technical Intro – CreateJS Blog
DOM Tree elements and how it all works by Todd Henderson
Cheat Sheets
JavaScript cheat sheet by Marijn Haverbeke.
Reference Guides
Eloquent Javascript By Marijn Haverbeke. Available online and as a paperback or e-book. Excellent resource.
JavaScript Best Practices
JavaScript Performance Tips – Greg Franko
24 JavaScript Best Practices for Beginners
jQuery Anti-Patterns and Best Practices
jQuery Coding Standards and Best Practices
Add Javascript to a web page
pure JavaScript equivalent to jQuery’s $.ready()
Working with data
Iterating Over and Reducing Data – Learn JS Data
W3Schools jQuery effects reference
W3Schools jQuery Animation helper methods – Hide / show
Lynda : jQuery Essential Training
14 Handy jQuery Code Snippets for Developers – Treehouse Blog
Smashing Magazine : Useful jQuery Function Demos
jQuery Anti-Patterns and Best Practices
jQuery Coding Standards and Best Practices
Source: A JSON Tutorial. Getting started with JSON using JavaScript and jQuery – View Source
Source: javascript – JSON lookup by key – Code Review Stack Exchange
Source: JSON.parse() – JavaScript | MDN
Introduction to APIs
Public APIs and Big Data
Embedded or Browser APIs
External / Third Party APIs
Advanced Javascript
Source: Dependency hell – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Source: Understanding Dependency Injection
: Agile & Coding: Yeah, we got classes now (ES6). You happy, pappy?
: Promises
Pure functions in JavaScript | @nicoespeon
What You Need To Know About JavaScript Scope – Smashing Magazine
Source: JavaScript Scope
JavaScript Module Pattern: In-Depth
How Do You Structure JavaScript? The Module Pattern Edition | CSS-Tricks
Understanding javascript-modules
Modules :: Eloquent JavaScript
JavaScript Modules: A Beginner’s Guide — Free Code Camp
Beginners guide to AMD and RequireJS
Functional Javascript
The Two Pillars of JavaScript — Pt 2: Functional Programming — JavaScript Scene — Medium
REST stands for Representational State Transfer. (It is sometimes spelled “ReST”.) It relies on a stateless, client-server, cacheable communications protocol — and in virtually all cases, the HTTP protocol is used.
HATEOAS – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simple non-programmer explanation of REST architecture | Hacker News
Web Animation Past, Present, and Future
CSS3 Animation and the JavaScript API
Let’s Talk about the Web Animations API
Javascript Graphics APIs
Of the three primary HTML5 graphics APIs, SVG can be a good choice for 2D casual games, such as Boulder Bop.
There are three graphics APIs to choose from:
If you’re already familiar with OpenGL (ES 2.0 in particular), you can use WebGL for a simple 2D game, like Boulder Bop. If you’re not, this API is more complex than you need for this simple game.
Canvas is the typical choice for most HTML5 games. It’s simple and speedy, particularly for games with many objects. However, canvas has its limitations:
- Drawn objects become part of the canvas bitmap and therefore cannot be associated with an event handler. For example, clicking a specific circle on the canvas cannot natively fire a particular event handler. You can, however, wire up an event handler for the entire canvas which allows you, using a bit of math, to calculate whether or not a given circle was clicked (but the browser doesn’t provide this behavior natively).
- When you move an object across the canvas, you must redraw the entire canvas for each move increment.
- Liquid (or fluid) layout is relatively difficult – the browser can’t natively adjust the canvas size based on the browser’s current window size. You can create this behavior programmatically, however, by listening for window size changes and adjusting the size of the canvas appropriately.
- The browser can’t natively convert screen coordinates to your game’s world coordinate system. For example, the browser can’t natively convert the position of a mouse click (in screen coordinates) to a convenient game coordinate system when canvas is used. You can create transformations equations to work here – see SVG Coordinate Transformations (Windows) for more info. Note that if you choose to implement liquid canvas layout, you must update the equation coefficients each time the window size changes.
The CanvasRenderingContext2D
interface provides the 2D rendering context for the drawing surface of a <canvas>
With the new HTML5 specification comes a whole bag of new goodies including a new tag – <canvas>. This tag is effectively like a piece of paper on your page onto which you can draw and this is what the RGraph library is based on. The drawing is done by JavaScript and there’s a whole bunch of functions available to you to draw shapes and lines with.
Because <canvas> uses a “fire and forget” methodology there is no DOM for you to get references to shapes already drawn on the canvas – so you must remember the coordinates of the shapes yourself. It’s because of this that the <canvas> tag is so fast.
Despite this though there is a Path2D object that has been added, along with other new features that have been specified by the W3C that will allow you to retain path information and test at a later time for hits etc. The Path2D object is described here and there’s more information on new canvas features (like hit regions) on the RGraph blogSo on to the information!
Added in HTML5, the HTML <canvas>
element can be used to draw graphics via scripting in JavaScript. For example, it can be used to draw graphs, make photo compositions, create animations, or even do real-time video processing or rendering.
Mozilla Canvas 2D rendering context
This specification defines the 2d
context type, whose API is implemented using the CanvasRenderingContext2D
While canvas provides simplicity and speed, SVG provides flexibility. For example:
- Each graphic object becomes part of the DOM. So, if you want, each graphic object in the game can have one or more associated event handlers. For example, by clicking a specific circle on the “canvas”, called a viewport in SVG terminology, you can natively fire an event handler. The down side is that perform can decrease with more objects in the DOM.
- The game’s background can generally be ignored. That is, to move an SVG graphic, you change its positional (x, y) values and the browser updates the background for you. You don’t need to update all the objects in the SVG viewport (as you would with canvas).
- The browser handles liquid layout for you, if the correct CSS is used:
html, body { height: 100%; }
We’ll cover this in more detail later.
- SVG provides a current transformation matrix (or CTM). Using the CTM, you can convert screen coordinates to a convenient game coordinate system whether liquid layout is used or not. For more info, see SVG Coordinate Transformations (Windows).
Because of its convenience, ease of liquid layout, and built-in matrix methods, SVG is often a good choice for games that do not contain a large number of objects (so as not to over-bloat the DOM). For games with many objects, canvas can be a better choice because the size of DOM is not effected by the number of game objects in the canvas element. For more info, see How To Choose Between SVG and Canvas (Windows).
Animation through the browser can be achieved a number of ways,
Using Javascript to move or change the CSS properties of DOM elements on the page. You can write ‘vanilla’ javascript to do this, but mostly we rely on libraries like JQuery to do the heavy lifting for us.
Using the <canvas> </canvas> element and API to write either javascript or WebGL code to create pixel based graphics.
Can I Use browser compatibility for Web GL
The jQuery library provides several techniques for adding animation to a web page. These include simple, standard animations that are frequently used, and the ability to craft sophisticated custom effects.
Using a third party plugin – flash or unity being the most popular.
JQuery Provides a number of methods :
Source: jQuery animate() Method
Ultra high-performance, professional-grade animation for the modern web using javascript. The new standard for HTML5 animation.
Source: GreenSock | GSAP
Comments by Dave
Interactive Video and Audio
thank you Octavian appreciate it!